Blues for WCET Guitars
An introduction to the Blues
In your guitar books you will find the song ‘Raise your voices high’. This is a Blues song that we are going to learn.
Listen to the song and the guitar solo that you will play
Watch the video below to learn the guitar part.
Putting together the whole piece
How you gonna sing your song? Raise your voices high!
How you gonna sing your song? Raise your voices high!
How you gonna sing your song?
Sing out loud and sing out strong
How you gonna sing your song? Raise your voices high!
With some note help
A very important part of the Blues is called improvising. This is when the guitar player starts to make up the tunes as they go along.
Listen to famous guitar and Blues players B.B. King and John Mayer improvise.
We are going to learn to improvise. You will be making up your own patterns using certain notes that ’fit’ well.
Notes that work well are the open strings E, B and G as well as high G and ‘yellow spot’ D.
Listen to the next extract and have a go at improvising: